When we’re generous with our resources, we become active participants in helping people follow Jesus. We encourage all of those who’re part of our church family to give—not out of obligation, but as an expression of your love of God and love for people. Your gifts allow God’s work to be done in our New McKendree church home, our local community, and around the world.

Click the button below use PushPay to make your donation.  You can make a one time gift or set up recurring giving with your debit or credit card.

2024 General Fund pledge

Pledge cards were mailed Wednesday, October 18th. This weekend, October 21/22, we’ll begin our annual generosity campaign with a three-week worship series on Christian generosity. On November 4/5, the last week of the series, we’ll offer our pledge cards as an act of worship during each of the three services. And then, as the annual pattern goes, our church staff and leadership will begin crafting our 2024 ministry budget. Extra pledge cards are available at the welcome desks. If you did not receive this mailing, please contact the church office and update your contact information and mailing preferences.

You can also click below to submit your 2024 General Fund Pledge online using the PushPay link below.


Please follow these instructions closely.

1. Enter the TOTAL AMOUNT of your 2024 Pledge.


PLEDGE AND SET UP RECURRING  This option will submit your 2024 total pledge AND allow you to schedule automatic withdrawals to begin in 2024 for the 2024 General Fund.

  • CHANGE THE STARTING DATE TO 01-01-2024 OR AFTER.  Leave the ending date as 12/31/2024.  THESE DATES MUST BE IN 2024.
  • Choose the frequency of your recurring gift and click next.
  • Continue following the prompts to set up your payment method

PLEDGE ONLY This option will only submit your 2024 Pledge.  

  • Click next and continue following the prompts.

giving envelopes

Please fill them out fully when making your offering.  Since the envelopes include multiple funds, you must indicate what fund(s) your donation is intended for.  We can no longer make assumptions about blank envelopes.  If the envelope is blank, and there is nothing written on the memo line of your check, we will have to call you and verify the intended fund. 
You can use a check, cash, or a combination of both.  
Check - Mark the box next to the word "Check" and write in the check number.  Then write in the dollar amount from that check that you want to be designated for each fund.  If you are using multiple checks, please list the fund on the memo line of each check.
Example: Check #2512  General $100  Communion $50  MOVE Capital Campaign $100 
This check should be written for $250.
Cash - Mark the box next to the word "Cash".  Then write the dollar amount from that cash that you want to be designated for each fund. 
Example: Cash: General $100  Communion $50  MOVE Capital Campaign $100 
There should be $250 in cash in the envelope.